Member-only story
What it Means to Become a Child of God
When we believe in Jesus, something amazing happens to us.
When I first became a Christian, I really struggled with the idea of being a Child of God. I didn’t understand it very well, and it seemed very unusual. After all, I grew up in the church but had no idea why I was going to church. And yet, I was too bashful to ask the question as to what it means.
And then, as I began to read the Gospel of John, I started to understand.
As we began to live into a new life as a new creation in Jesus, we begin to experience what God’s kingdom is truly like. And for us, it means that we become someone new.
We become a child of God.
What I learned came right out of the first chapter of the Gospel of John.
A Child of God
“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”— John 1:12–13 (NIV)
Immediately starting his gospel, the Apostle John establishes a new identity for you. He takes you out of your everyday, earthly life and plants you right into the Kingdom of God. He makes it clear, first and foremost…