The New Medium App

Initial Thoughts

1 min readSep 15, 2020


Medium has a new app.

If you haven’t updated it yet, you should.

You might need to select the ‘beta’ test option once you updated like I did. After fiddling around with things a little bit after my update, here are a few thoughts:

  1. The layout and design is pleasing to the eye, but the homepage felt really busy to me.
  2. I love the profiles page. I like the way my info is at the top and my stories are underneath with info of their own.
  3. Creating within the app is nearly the same as before.
  4. Gone are top writer tags. Probably because they mean absolutely zero to the individual.
  5. Ready by stories is nice. Except the fact I have to always click ‘read more’ to actually read them.

Overall, my initial experience feels good. Now, let’s see how it changes my views, reads, and MPP payment.

What do you think?

Photo: screenshot from writer’s phone.




Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: