1 min readJan 21, 2019

The Man Box, Patriarchy, Real Men/Masculinity

Elle, thank you for sharing this response! It is interesting how much comes out of this commercial for so many different people and the different aspects of manhood and society which can be touched upon.

The Man Box, I had to look up. I have not heard of it like this before. I think the idea of the Man Box is truly the wrong precepts of manhood and masculinity which has invaded the culture of manhood today. And is important to address.

Patriarchy needs to be redefined. It is interesting to me, maybe because I have been brought up under a different experience of patriarchy, but I have never thought of it as “dominance hierarchy.” And perhaps this is the problem with our view of it today. In my experience, it is an earned position from years of experience where you build into your family, not by domination but by wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

Real Men/Masculinity is oddly very complicated. Only because I do think there are some aspects of masculinity which are being considered ‘bad’ while they are potentially part of the male role. However, they have been misused and taught out of experience to be oppressive.

So much to consider and think about while adding to the conversation. And I greatly appreciate when people are willing to talk about it. Otherwise, we just build further resentment and strife.




Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com