Member-only story
New Medium Profiles Are Here!
Medium keeps on changing and we need to adapt
Look at that!
I changed the color of the writing on my profile. How about that fun stuff. There is a whole lot more to happen too.
But, before we start adapting and figuring out one more new Medium change, let’s get the other thing out…
What do you hate/dislike about the changes? Go ahead, tell me in the responses below.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way. There are some great things to enjoy. Here are the list of things so far:
- Writing: font, size, and colors.
- Pictures: options for a header.
- Background: colors.
- Format: where some things go. How will they look, etc.
- Previews: see what it looks like in desktop, tablet, and smartphone.
Honestly, I’m m not sure these changes are all that big a deal. It’s simple though, you the writer, have more options. Whether you wanted them or not.
But, options are good, right?
Hey! Link your new profile design in the responses so we can all get a better idea of things we can do to change up our Medium profiles!