Hello! I'm J.R. Heimbigner.

I am a bestselling self-published author on Amazon with nine books published and and three journals/planners published on Amazon KDP.

I will help you self-publish your first book and grow your self-publishing empire with my stories, books, and products.

But first, let me tell you a story.

Who am I?

I grew up in eastern Washington state on a family farm that had been farmed by five generations. After college, I worked in college athletics, missions, and now in the insurance world.

I have a wife, three beautiful daughters, a terrifying German Shepherd, a tuxedo cat, and eight chickens on a hobby farm where we spend much of our time.

I started writing consistently in 2017 on a blog and right here on Medium. In 2019, I published my first book. Now, I have ten books published and am working on several more.

In fact, you can check out all ten of my books:

Christian Faith

The Gospel of Mark (Brand New!)



Fiction (This one was for my daughters though)

These days, I am focusing on helping writers become authors and helping new authors grow their self-publishing business with an minimalist flair.

Start here.

The best place to start with what I have to offer is right here on Medium. I share one to two posts a day about writing, self-publishing, and the faith books that started this entire journey.

Next, you should check out my little homepage: J.R. Heimbigner

On my homepage, I share my latest project that is probably one of the most helpful things I have ever created, the Self-Publishing Daily Newsletter.

Then, check out my other resource: Online Business Launch. It is a short but super useful guide to start your online business on the weekend.

Lastly, I would highly recommend that you jump over to my Amazon store and check out all my books. This might give you inspiration for your future projects.

Thanks for stopping by and we will see your around!

J.R. Heimbigner


P.S. If you want to connect other places, check out my socials: Facebook, 𝕏 (the Artist formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Connect with J.R. HEIMBIGNER


Book Author

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com